Category: Traditions

Jimbanqua: Day of the Dead in the P’urhepecha Plateau

The Rose Horses of Zurumucapio

Distinctive to San Angel Zurumucapio is the tradition of making small rose-decorated horses and dedicating

Traditions: The Altar

Day of the Dead in Mexico represents a mixture of Christian devotion and Pre-Hispanic traditions and beliefs. As a

Altar tradition lives on

Text by Patty Cruz Lopez Photos by Mary J. Andrade Walk through the doors of the Martin Lther King Jr. library,

Jimbankua in the Purhepecha Plateau shares its Passion for Life

Part Two The prepared food for the celebration of the newly deceased in the Purhepecha Plateau in the State

Jimbanqua in the P’urhepecha Plateau shares its Passion for Life

Part One It is a pleasure to let oneself travel down the paths that open up before one’s gaze, especially

The clatter of enthusiastic skeletons in Mexico City

In the Mexican capital, death is intellectualized in museums and galleries, it dresses up for a night gala in

An Anciente tradition of the Island of Janitzio

The Day of the Dead, also known as All Souls Day, is celebrated in México and in all of

Mexico Celebrates Life

As in many Latin American countries, Mexico commemorates the Day of the Dead or All Souls’ Day on November

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